Management solution for HGV workshops
The HGV workshop management solutions developed by the SINARI Group and its subsidiaries are mainly aimed at 2 types of customers: independent HGV workshops and transport companies' in-house HGV workshops.
In both cases, the solutions on offer are the result of over 20 years of experience. As such, they are perfectly adapted to customers' needs, feature-rich, efficient and reliable. They achieve a triple goal: to make daily life easier for every employee,
optimise operation and ensure traceability.
Numerous immediately useful innovations that are synonymous with added value make these management solutions unique on the market. Active reception of vehicles with a touch tablet (and RO generation) saves precious time, while the intuitive graphic
scheduling tool allows users to organise their workshop efficiently. Every effort is made to help you optimise your resources, both human and material.
In the case of in-house HGV workshops, the cost and KPI analysis component is particularly powerful. Almost any type of indicator and analysis can be created to meet your needs: overall cost per km, financial analysis by activity (mechanics, bodywork,
tyres, braking…), financial analysis by workshop if you have several, cost per km by truck model…